This full day workshop is an additional offering of the popular EEBA Houses That WorkTM educational series focused specifically on the needs of builders and new home sales specialists/agents. The session will also be of interest to general full service real estate agents, manufacturers’ representatives and housing program or utility personnel. This presentation applies proven sales techniques to the task of helping sales agents educate home buyers on the technical features of High Performance Homes. This will empower home buyers to make better decisions with respect to energy efficiency and other technical advancements. This workshop includes examples, case studies and role plays relevant to both custom and large volume builders and draws on the successes of many builders who have already realized the benefits of selling High Performance Homes. The workshop is applicable to all regions of the country and is readily adaptable to local housing programs and national programs such as ENERGY STAR, LEED for Homes, or Zero Energy Ready Homes.
Read course outline here. Register for online course in the EEBA Academy.
Relevance to Attendees
Participants should be new and experienced builders, sales agents / specialists, marketing and product managers employed or contracted by builders, contractors, building supply sales representatives and housing program officials. Participants will leave with a much deeper understanding of the technical features of new high-performance homes and the dozens of valuable benefits they offer to home buyers. Attendees will be expected to participate in a series of group exercises, case studies and role plays that will integrate the technical features of high performance homes and will enhance the retention of material presented. Participants will learn a defined sales process that will help them do a better job with the fundamentals of educating clients on the benefits of the technical features of high performance homes. The process will also prepare participants for handling many objections that new home buyers may have as they consider the purchase of a high-performance home. Participants will be given reference sheets and support materials to take away for future use.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about the specifics of valuable housing programs such as ENERGY STAR, or Zero Energy Ready Homes.
- Learn and practice a new sales plan that focuses on helping clients make better, more informed decisions with respect to energy efficiency and high performance technical features.
- Translate the technical features of high performance homes into at least a dozen compelling benefits home buyers can understand and value.
- Learn how to conduct a thorough needs analysis that uncovers a client’s interest in high performance homes by asking 6-8 simple questions
- Integrate the technical features of new homes into existing sales and marketing plans.
- Practice using the technical language of high performance homes to enhance sales confidence.
- Practice overcoming the 6 most common concerns or issues homebuyers have with respect to high performance homes
Learn & Earn

Our online Selling High Performance Homes course qualifies for 4 NARI credits, 4 NAHB credits, 4 RESNET credits, and 4 LU AIA credits.
Note: This workshop will be tailored to the specifics of the area in which it is delivered. That is, it will reflect local climate conditions, common local building practices and local energy efficiency or green building programs.